Those who have not had cancer, each year should take 10 days to prevent the disease.
Honey is food species, the human body can easily absorb.
Alcohol dilates blood vessels strong derivatives of honey mixed with Aloe Vera to every cell in the body: both nourish both wound healing, both dialysis

According to a breakdown of the LM. Doctors (Franciscan) working at the Research Centre, Northern Italy, the following quality Aloe Accounts:
     1/13 different substances, antibiotic substances against bacteria.
     2/8 species vitamins necessary to grow the cells, nourishing the body, made ​​up of blood, body conditioning and healing. (Vit. A, B1, B2, B6, C, M. ..)
     3 / Aloe plant contains over 20 essential salts for body protein (Calco, Fosforo, Potassio ....)

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