UncategoriesHow to use Aloe Vera plant cure Cancer
How to use Aloe Vera plant cure Cancer
Aloe Vera Plants
Coal is the Aloe Vera plant, known locally called VN custom tree Aloe, or Aloe Vera Tu Long. Aloe Vera Plants of positive, welding, bitter-tasting, non-toxic. Drug to its antiseptic properties, the bladder, clear heat, helping cool the liver and treat constipation, headache and congestion government organs.This tree is often used to treat burn wounds, skin wounds and freckles, and the illness of cancer, diabetes, blood pressureVirtually all the peoples of the world are known to be effective text Aloe plant diseases. There are over 300 types of Aloe, but the type commonly used to treat are: Aloe Vera, Aloe Socotra Island, the Cape South African Aloe, Aloe Saponara, Aloe Sinensis, Arborescens Aloe, Aloe and Aloe Forox Natale region. The most common type is the Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera or Aloe or aloe pineapple Barbadenses is a scene, slender leaves, the two sides have spiked an average of 40cm - 50cm, plant height from 60cm - 90cm. Inside the green mantle of bitter jelly. According to the nature of the priestly division Grandi doctors working in the Franciscan Study Centre La Torre Torino Province, northern Italy, Aloe include the following materials:1) Thirteen different kind of Lignine, Saponine, and Antrachinono, containing antibiotics against bacteria: Aloina: catartico ed emetico, Isobarbaloinia: analgesisco ed antibiotico - Antranolo-Antracene - Baraloina (glucoside barbaloico): antibiotico e catartico - acido aloeitico - Emodine d'aloe: battericiad e lassativo - acido cinnamico: mico: detergente, germida e unghicicida - Estere dell 'acido cinnamico "calmante - Olio etero: analgesico ed anestetico - criso acido-fanico: funghicida-Aloe ulcine : inibitore della-secrezione gastricaper reazione the L'istamina - Resestanolo.2) Eight types of vitamin needed for health growth of cells that nourish the body, regeneration of blood, body conditioning and healing wounds: Vitamin A (Carotene), Vitamin B1 (Tiamina: need for strength of the cell and energy production), Vitamin B2 Niacina e reibiflavina: impact with vitamin B6 to produce blood), Niacinamide (Niacine: turn helps regulate ecological system of the body), vitamin C (acido asorbico: along with vitamin E against infection and helps heal wounds scar), Vitamin E Torocoferolo: effective as vitamin C), Colline (Vitamin B category: help make eco-system of the body) and finally Vitamin M (acido foloco: Blood assist procreation).3) Plant Aloe Vera contains more than 20 proteins needed for the tenth body. The following are the major types of fosforo Calcio with forming bones) Fosforo, Potassio; Ferro excellent quality helps keep oxygen in the blood) sodio; chloro; Manganese (along with the help of Magnessio muscles and nervous system working action) CROMO (domestic help of the enzyme and fatty-acid substances ace) Zinco (stimulation of activity of proteins in wound healing).4) Saccaridi and varied menu: Cellulosa - glucosio - manosio - aldoso - acidouronico - lipasi - aninasi - L - ranoco; Carrisyn (a newly discovered substance is responsible for strengthening the system resistance factor)5) essential amino acids: Isoleucina, Leucina, Lisina, metionina, fenilanina, tionina, Vilina.6) depends Aminoacidi: acido aspatico, acido glutamico, alamina, arginina, metiocistina, glicina, istidina, idrossiprolina, prolina, Serina, tiroxina. 7) The enzyme (the enzyme acid building of Aloe suck core elements: Fosfatasi acida; Amilasi, Bradichinasi or Bradichi-ninasi (pain, swelling (inflammation) factors stimulate protective antibodies); Catalasi (H202 prevent deposition of cells); Cellulas (help digestive substances Cellulosa) lipasi (digestion); Nucleotidasi alcalin; Proteolitiasi or proteases (factors help form water-soluble protein substance); acido salicilico; acido crisofanico; Oli volatili.