Notes for healthy people to prevent cancer:

Aloe Vera
Notes for healthy people to prevent cancer:Each year 1 timesEvery time 10 day, 3 times per day.Each 1 tablespoon suop. Half an hour before eating.Here is the source of the prescription and the experience of people who use prescriptions Aloe Vera - Aloe VeraRomano Zago priest born in 1932 in Lajeado (Bresin) South America, Diocese of St. Francis of Porto Alegve have researched and found a panacea help cure incurable diseases healed as cancer, diabetes, cirrhosis liver ascites.
The other common ailments are cured in a short time. Miracle of the priest has surprised the medical world.The first from cancer occurred in 1987. At that time in Bethlehem is an old man with prostate cancer at the end. The doctors do not cure the disappointment should have specific tools to leave the hospital to die at home among loved ones. Father Romano is known to confer the sacrament. After administering the sacraments to the tool, I recommend specific treatment to try to cure his father's braided. He recovered and tools currently living with children, very healthy, despite 85 years of age. Then Aloe Vera syrup bottle by Father Romano made man, was a nun in the Franciscan maid forgotten in a corner of the kitchen, until one day Silvana nuns nurse line you know she believes a patient cancer. She suddenly remembered his father's syrup bottle and handed friend Romano and do more drinking syrup with Aloe Vera leaves. Within a few months of your sister from cancer and live a healthy life and love. Then, either the secretary of the Holy Land Bethlehem throat cancer say the sound. Raffaelle Caputo Rev. school director Father Romano Zago cry. Father Romano visited him with a bottle of Aloe Vera syrup large. Only two months after he was cured secretary, speaking and working normally again.However, the most emotional healing father remembers Romano's case Geraldito Argentine boy, 5 years old. Geraldito blood cancer. After all treatments without positive results, the doctor suggested to her parents in bone marrow transplant method Geraldito life. This type of surgery is complicated and expensive, but because the two men she loves me try. The cord for none other than the boy's brother Geraldito. Department marrow transplant surgery is done in a hospital features at Barceloma, Spain, and regarded as a great success. But the results did not last long. Blood cancer reappeared, this time heavier than before. The doctor totally helpless and disappointed Geraldito rescued. His parents are very sad. But believers have deep faith, she decided to bring his two elder children and Geraldito pilgrimage to the Holy Land, just to give relief Geraldito, screaming for two visiting the land where Jesus was born old grew up, that roamed this preaching, miracle cure for so many disabled people, died and rose again. Maybe their child's illness cured. So put these two people to the Holy Land. So put these two people to the Holy Land. That day the whole family to visit the basilica at Bethlehem and was kneeling in prayer before the cave where Jesus was born 2000 years ago. That time is now the Franciscan fathers lined up to sing Vespers and procession, including Father Romano Zago. Seeing a young couple and their two children knelt in prayer poetry is sincere, I'm sure this family matter. Father spoke to greet and know the anxiety of the family suffering. Father suggested cure trial within a month of his father, but did not promise anything. Geraldito docile syrup drink Aloe Vera crushed by Father Romano for you. After a month, Geraldito have fun with her parents and brother had donated marrow for children, according to the Franciscan fathers procession and sang a joyful way. Father Romano suggested the whole family to stay for another month to continue her Geraldito simple remedy this. But before the second month end, the doctors said they were completely cured of leukemia. Thus, not until the end of the second month, the family was able to leave the ineffable joy and thanksgiving sentiments affection only through a few bottles of syrup Aloe Vera leaves made by Father Romano Zago.The Father Romano Zago has told the effect of treatment on offer here in the monthly magazine "Holy Land" for two months of November and December, 1993, to let people know that cancer can be cured correspondence with the Aloe Vera plant material.(Writing by Vittorio Bosello, OFM, IL Miraclo dell 'Aloe e del Miele, La Terra Santa, November - December 1993 Marzo Aprile 1995).

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