In this sense, the Aloe plays an important role as a complement to these diets . Not only because in general has many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes important for the proper functioning of the body but in particular its richness in vitamin b12 makes it the perfect for vegans and vegetarians as this vitamin is difficult to find in other plants and vegetables . This is not a trivial issue since this vitamin is essential for the body as it affects the central nervous system, metabolism and red blood cell formation. Their extraordinary properties comes from its high content of cobalt, the mineral is functions essential physical and chemical reactions in the body.
Thus, vitamin B12 deficiency in our body will affect many body systems such as nervous, immune, energy ...
We have already noted the importance of this vitamin in vegetarians and vegans but also in adults, in people taking antacids or a substance that neutralizes stomach acid and people with cognitive disorders or chronic diseases.
We must bear in mind that this vitamin deficiency is difficult to detect in the analysis and may go unnoticed so prevention is better than cure and that their high consumption is not harmful to health.