Aloe Vera and Burns

Aloe Vera is commonly nicknaned "the burn plant". Researc

Serious burns require immediate medical attention, but for minor burns in the home the application of Aloe Vera Gelly will
soothe the burn and help nature on its way. Many people in countries where Aloe Vera grows naturally keep a plant in a pot for this purpose. You can have the next best thing in a tube.
h as long ago as the 1930's showed that it was beneficial to treatment of radio-therapy burns. This was reinforced by further research in the 1950's and 1960's and by 1980's Aloe was being used in several plastic surgery units in the USA. The research showed that Aloe Vera blocks the formation of Thromboxane which constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow to the injured area. Aloe Vera was shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect and with the increased (or rather less reduced) blood flow supports the natural healing process.

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