Aloe Vera Body Wash

Aloe Vera Body Wash made from 100% natural whole leaf aloe; this cleanser smoothes, hydrates and nourishes the skin; protects the skin from harmful UV rays and other skin infections.


Aloe Vera as wound and skin disease healer – Aloe vera is an excellent for easing first degree burns, relieves inflammation and accelerates healing. Aloe vera has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects and helps heal minor wounds. It lessens painful effects of shingles, reduces symptoms of psoriasis and eases heartburns and ulcers.
Aloe Vera and Beauty care – Once, a beauty arsenal of Cleopatra, today Aloe Vera is showing up as a main ingredient in cosmetic industry. It is one herb which can be used almost as freely as water on skin. Mixed with selected essential oils, it makes for excellent skin smoother and moisturizer, sun block lotion plus a whole range of beauty products.

No wonder then that Aloe Vera is referred to as the ‘Miracle Plant’. From being an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and a cure for heart burns to helping relieve the symptoms of severe illnesses like cancer and diabetes, to being a beauty aid and health nourisher, this ancient Indian herb has it all. Known for centuries for its unique medicinal properties, it has been rediscovered, recognized and benefited from in the last few years. The active ingredients hidden in its succulent leaves have the power to soothe human life and health in a myriad ways. Aloe Vera is undoubtedly, the nature’s gift to humanity and it remains for us to introduce it to ourselves and thank the nature for its never ending bounty.

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