The Ayurvedic medicine is known as the "longevity medicine", is an ancient system of alternative medicine in India. This type of medicine, which is very popular in the treatment of diseases, is based on the use of medicinal plants and Aloe vera has as one of its major plants . And no wonder considering the innumerable properties of this plant.

Along with traditional Chinese medicine, is one of the oldest medical systems existing in the world and is even recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a complement to scientific and allopathic medicine. In western countries it is used as an alternative medicine while in India is the main medicinal system.

For Ayurvedic medicine, the Aloe vera plant is essential and is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a tonic, purgative and expectorant primarily . For its properties, it is associated with the treatment of conditions in the circulatory system and the female reproductive tract, particularly the uterus. Furthermore, it is used as a tonic for liver, spleen and blood.
This type of medicine is based on three doshas or humors (energy) are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. use of Aloe in Ayurvedic medicine helps reduce excess Pitta vital energy in our body . Thus, helps digestion and metabolism thereby regulating intestinal transit. Also, detoxifies the body and is used as remedy for heartburn, gastritis, ulcers and reflux.

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